Do lash extensions hurt?
Eyelash extensions don't hurt when applied properly by a certified professional who uses high-quality products. Any pain experienced during or after the appointment should be immediately communicated to the lash artist for a resolution.
How long do lash extensions usually last?
With proper care and maintenance, lash extensions should last for up to 6 weeks.
Will the lash extensions damage my natural lashes?
Eyelash extensions do not damage your eyelashes when they are applied properly. To prevent damaging natural lashes, lash extensions should be carefully selected (length and thickness) and applied correctly to one natural eyelash at the time. Your eyelash extensions should also NEVER be touched or played with during the day as this may lead to pre-mature fallout.
How do I take care of my lash extensions?
It’s pretty easy and simple to take care of eyelash extensions. It’s recommend to always try to keep a spoolie with you at all times just in case you feel the need to brush out your eyelash extensions. A spoolie will be your best friend while having eyelash extensions.
How do I clean my eyelash extensions?
I always HIGHLY recommend for every one of my clients to buy eyelash extension shampoo as soon as they get their extensions. It is inexpensive and can be found on amazon. Cleaning them is pretty simple. You can get any CLEAN eye makeup brush and gently go over your extensions with it as your applying your eyelash extension shampoo. Please make sure to GO INTO THE BASE OF YOUR LASHES as your cleaning them in order to remove any dirt, oils, debris that you’ve accumulated throughout the day. After you can rinse with water. I personally like to put water on the makeup brush and put the brush on my lashes so the water can remove the shampoo. After, I suggest grabbing a spoolie and start brushing the extensions until they are nice and fluffy. Having a fan and fanning your lashes will definitely help to speed up the drying process. Fan and brush until your extensions are nice and fluffy again. You can also always look up videos on YouTube if you need a tutorial.
Is it okay to sleep on my face after getting lash extensions?
It is perfectly okay to sleep on your face and/or facing down while having eyelash extensions as long as your not putting too much pressure on your face. This will help prevent any unnecessary pulling on the extensions while your sleeping. Sleeping with an elevated pillow is definitely recommended.
How long does the process take?
Depending on what kind of lash style you want, the application process can range from 1-3hrs. long. Please keep in mind, that most of the time 100% of the natural lashes need to be lashed to reached the desired look. This can cause the process to take a lot longer depending on how many (or how little) your natural lashes are. Most people have AT LEAST 130-150 lashes per eye! That’s a lot of lashes! So you can only imagine each extension being applied to every individual natural lash.
What if I don’t have that many natural lashes? Can I still get lash extensions?
You can still get lash extensions even if you have very sparse lashes. Please be aware that not everyone is a good candidate for eyelash extensions. In order to be a good candidate for eyelash extensions, you have to have very healthy and strong natural lashes. This doesn’t always mean how many lashes you have. If you weak and fragile lashes, it will be best to not get extensions. A good lash technician should be greatly educated on lash health. Therefore, if you book with an experienced and knowledgeable lash technician, they should be able to tell you whether or not your lashes are in good condition for lash extensions.
Can I remove the lash extensions myself?
NOOOOOOOO!!!!The biggest most crucial mistake anyone could ever do is to try to attempt to remove the eyelash extensions themselves. It will NOT work and you WILL in fact rip your natural lashes out. If you are in desperate need for a removal contact me immediately and I will remove them for free! I do removals for free because I don’t think it’s worth the risk of you damaging and ruining your natural lashes. It’s simply not worth it. So don’t do it yourself. If you don’t want me to remove them or if I can’t remove them for some whatever reason, just wait for the extensions to fall on their own. Trust me, they will eventually. Another way to SAFELY remove them yourself is to CAREFULLY place any oil based products on your eyelash extensions. Any oil based products such as oily makeup removers tend to break down the glue and therefore, allow the extensions to fall out.
How do I shower with eyelash extensions?
As long as water is avoided the first 48 hrs. after getting the eyelash extensions, you should be able to shower normally with them on. I would recommend however, that you should NEVER rub your eyes AT ALL since that can cause damage and irritation to the extensions and your eyes in general. Treat your lashes like you would treat your nails when you first get them done.
Why can’t I just apply eyelash extensions myself? What’s the difference between extensions and strip lashes?
#1 reason why you should NEVER even entertain the idea of putting on eyelash extensions yourself is that you are NOT AT ALL QUALIFIED to handle VERY strong glue. The glue we use for eyelash extensions is very VERY strong and if applied incorrectly (or not by a professional), it can cause very serious eye damage and possibly blindness. Eyelash extension adhesive is NOT something a non-profession should be playing with.
Strip lashes are applied with very mild glue that gets tacky before it gets applied near the eye. And sometimes that glue barely lasts all day as you might need to reapply every couple hours. The difference between eyelash extensions and lash strips is simply how long extensions can stay on the eyes compared to lash strips. Lash strips if taken care of properly, can only be used 1-2 times before they need to be thrown out. Whereas eyelash extensions can last 3-6 weeks (with proper care and maintenance).
If you have anymore questions, feel free to DM me on instagram!